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“Fallout 76 players demand crossplay: Will Bethesda actually listen this time?”

“Fallout 76 players demand crossplay: Will Bethesda actually listen this time?” funny news funny newz weird news

“Fallout 76 players demand crossplay: Will Bethesda actually listen this time?”

So, apparently, more people are subjecting themselves to the torture that is Fallout 76 all because of an Amazon TV series. I mean, who knew that a terrible game could get a popularity boost from a streaming show? But hey, stranger things have happened, right?

In a recent interview, Todd Howard, the big cheese over at Bethesda Game Studios, was asked about the future of Fallout 76. And what do you know, he actually talked about adding crossplay and cross progression to the game. It’s like Bethesda finally realized that maybe, just maybe, they should listen to their players for once.

Crossplay, for those of you who live under a rock, would allow gamers on different platforms to play together. So now you can team up with your friend who’s stuck on Xbox while you’re living the high life on your PC. It’s like a modern-day Romeo and Juliet, but with more nukes.

And then there’s cross progression, which means you can take your progress and items with you no matter what platform you’re playing on. Because who doesn’t want to lug around all their virtual loot like a hoarder on the move?

Of course, Howard didn’t give us a timeline for when these features might actually make it into the game. Because why give your players hope when you can just string them along indefinitely, right? But hey, at least he’s pretending to care about what the players want. Baby steps, people, baby steps.

So, in conclusion, the addition of crossplay and cross progression in Fallout 76 could actually make the game slightly less terrible. And who knows, maybe it’ll even foster a more inclusive gaming community. Or maybe it’ll just give us more opportunities to team up with our friends and then promptly blow them up with a mini nuke. Either way, it’s bound to be entertaining.

So, grab your power armor and get ready to explore the wasteland with your pals from all over the gaming world. Just try not to get too attached to your progress, because knowing Bethesda, they’ll find a way to mess it up somehow. Cheers to a brighter, more interconnected future in the world of Fallout 76. Or at least, let’s hope so.