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“Fairfield Avenue Span: From Bridge to BBQ – I95’s Latest Hot Spot”

“Fairfield Avenue Span: From Bridge to BBQ – I95’s Latest Hot Spot” funny news funny newz weird news

“Fairfield Avenue Span: From Bridge to BBQ – I95’s Latest Hot Spot”

So, here we go again, folks! Another day, another highway closure due to a fiery disaster caused by a gas-filled tanker truck. It’s like a broken record at this point. I mean, who knew that gasoline and fire don’t mix well?

Crews have been hard at work trying to clean up the mess left behind by the flaming inferno that turned the Fairfield Avenue span into a puddle of melted metal. It’s like a scene straight out of a Michael Bay movie, except without the cool explosions and slow-motion shots of people running away.

And of course, the officials are still scratching their heads trying to figure out what caused the accident. Let me save them some time and effort – it was a truck full of gas that crashed and caught on fire. Mystery solved!

But fear not, dear readers, for the brave workers are back on the scene, ready to demolish what’s left of the bridge and clear the area so we can all go back to sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I95. Hooray!

In the meantime, drivers are being warned to use caution when passing through the area. Because, you know, driving through a construction zone where workers are frantically trying to clean up a massive mess is just a walk in the park.

And let’s not forget about the importance of maintaining infrastructure and ensuring the safety of all travelers on the road. Because nothing says safety like a giant fireball engulfing a highway bridge.

So buckle up, folks, and get ready for more delays, detours, and general chaos on I95. But hey, at least we can all bond over our shared misery of being stuck in traffic, right? Happy commuting, everyone!